Ship Supply Company - United Shipchandlers Ltd. - Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Contact information, full postal address for United Shipchandlers Ltd. and more ship suppliers in Hong Kong, Hong Kong


  • Address : Unit 4, 8/F., Asia Logistics, Hub ? SF Centre,
    36 Hong Wan Road,
    Tsing Yi, N.T.
    Phone : +852 2816 7228
    Fax : +852 2816 7107
    After Hours : +852 6684 2661
    E-Mail :
    Contact Name : Mr. Henry To
    Contact Mobile : +852 5606 3912
    Contact Name 2 : Mr. William Tsang
    Contact Mobile 2 : +852 6198 7753
    Also Serves : Singapore
    Legal Entity : Limited
    Registration No : 08814310-000-01-17-7

  • Verify contact details with :   GOOGLE  

  • Port Information :   CLICK HERE  
  • Includes: max draft, LOA; pilotage, tug and quarantine requirements; restrictions, services and shipyard repair info