Bunkering Company Bunker Oil AS, Kirkenes, Norway

Contact Details, Bunker Trade Region and Serviced Ports.

  • Company : BUNKER OIL AS
  • Office : TROMSOE
  • Region : NORTH EUROPE

  • Location and Postal Address :
    Fr. Nansensplass 1B
    Tromsoe 9008
    Telephone : +47 77 66 41 20 (Main)
    Fax : +47 77 66 41 30 (Main)
    E-Mail : ekspedisjon.tromso@bunkeroil.no
    Website : www.bunkeroil.no

  • Verify contact details with :   GOOGLE  

  • Port Information :   CLICK HERE  
  • Includes: max draft, LOA; pilotage, tug and quarantine requirements; restrictions, services and shipyard repair info