Sea Airports located in Commercial Seaports

Find any of 1,370 Airports located in different Seaports worldwide, Arrivals and Departures, Route Distance, nearby Sea and Airports located in the same region for logistics convenience

Flag City Country Airport Type IATA ICAO Airport Info
Lashkar Gah Afghanistan Bost Airport Inland Airport BST OABT
Maimama Afghanistan Maimana Airport Inland Airport MMZ OAMN
Mazar i sharif Afghanistan Mazar I Sharif Airport Inland Airport MZR OAMS
Sharona Afghanistan Sharana Airstrip Inland Airport AZ3 OASA
Tarin Kowt Afghanistan Tarin Kowt Airport Inland Airport TII OATN
Zaranj Afghanistan Zaranj Airport Inland Airport ZAJ OAZJ
Found 16 airports