Sea Airports located in Commercial Seaports

Find any of 1,370 Airports located in different Seaports worldwide, Arrivals and Departures, Route Distance, nearby Sea and Airports located in the same region for logistics convenience

Flag City Country Airport Type IATA ICAO Airport Info
Bamyan Afghanistan Bamiyan Airport Inland Airport BIN OABN
Chaghcharan Afghanistan Chakcharan Airport Inland Airport CCN OACC
Faizabad Afghanistan Fayzabad Airport Inland Airport FBD OAFZ
Farah Afghanistan Farah Airport Inland Airport FAH OAFR
Herat Afghanistan Herat Airport Inland Airport HEA OAHR
Jalalabad Afghanistan Jalalabad Airport Inland Airport JAA OAJL
Kabul Afghanistan Kabul International Airport Inland Airport KBL OAKB
Kandahar Afghanistan Kandahar Airport Inland Airport KDH OAKN
Khost Afghanistan Khost Airport Inland Airport KHT OAKS
Kunduz Afghanistan Konduz Airport Inland Airport UND OAUZ
Found 16 airports